Nature reserve for the preservation of flora & fauna | The Selketal

Nature reserve

Naturschutzgebiet Selketal

Protect the unique flora & fauna with us

The original deciduous forestsmeadows and near-natural waters of the Selketal are a habitat for many rare rare animal and plant species. To preserve the sensitive ecosystem, almost 700 hectares of the valley have been designated as a nature reserve. Here finds the shy, protected species wild cat their safe territory. Other residents of the biotope are rare bat species such as the lesser noctule or the lesser horseshoe bat. With a bit of luck, you might spot the following on the banks of the Selke Lurch species such as fire salamanders or alpine newts – please always keep a respectful distance to protect the animals. Bird species that have become established include woodpeckers and flycatchers as well as the brightly colored blue-orange feathered Kingfisher settled in the Selketal. The latter enjoys a special status: it is the symbolic animal of the region. Probably the most dazzling of our native bird species, it depends on nutrient-rich and clean waters. The Selketal nature reserve offers it iliving conditions. Gentle tourism and
Sustainable management of the unique nature of the Selketal preserves this paradise for protected species and for us humans.


Naturschutz aktiv leben

Verhaltensregeln in Naturschutzgebieten

According to the Federal Nature Conservation Act, strict rules of conduct apply in nature reserves and national parks to protect local plants and animals. In the Selketal, you can tell that you are in a nature reserve by the pentagonal signs with an illustration of an owl. Please adhere to the following rules in the area.

This prevents rare plants from being trampled on.

Plants are at their most beautiful in their natural habitat.

Animals need peace and quiet to breed and raise their young.

Your dog may seek out, disturb and chase animals.

Please dispose of the bags later in suitable waste containers.

“Wild camping” destroys the forest landscape and open fires increase the risk of forest fires.

Empty bottles and disposable cans can easily become death traps for small creatures, for example. easily become a death trap become a death trap.

Cigarette butts that are still burning can cause a fire, as well as pollute contained toxins such as lead and arsenic pollute the environment.

The flying objects irritate resident birds and the larger species in particular feel threatened.

This is intended to prevent the emergence of a black market in allegedly found feathers.

Please also pay attention to the local notices at the entrances to the nature reserves.

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