Treasures along the Romanesque Road | The Selke Valley

Romanesque Road

Die Straße der Romanik im Selketal

Follow in the footsteps of the Mittelater

The Romanesque Road is a fascinating cultural route that offers you a unique journey through Germany’s medieval history.

This approximately 1,200-kilometer route, which also passes through Saxony-Anhalt, connects over 80 Romanesque buildings, including the magnificent churches, monasteries, castles and palaces of the Selketal. Follow the Romanesque Road through Saxony-Anhalt – the Selketal Route will delight culture and nature lovers alike.

Explore the historic walls of the imposing Falkenstein Falkenstein Castle, which towers majestically on a rock above the Selketal and learn more about life in the Middle Ages. In Ermsleben, discover the Konradsburg with the monastery church of St. Sixtus. The complex impresses with its well-preserved Romanesque structures.

Tip: Both castles are located on another important route through the Selketal: they are stamping points for the Harz hiking pin.

Bauwerke an der Strasse der Romanik

Burg Falkenstein

Burg Falkenstein



Klosterkirche St. Sixtus

Klosterkirche St. Sixtus

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